We offer different services…

Mashar was established in 2010 to meet the market demand for quality training, coaching and mentoring. Mashar was the first who offer a bi-lingual Certified Professional Coaching Program that graduates certified professional coaches for the growing market need; Also, Mashar has been an accredited School for Mentoring since 2017. Mashar is known for its focused and agile problem-solving and opportunity-grabbing workshops. Our experts excel in one-on-one coaching and business consultation, delivering customized solutions according to their unique culture and client needs.

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Personal Coaching

Personal coaching is the practice of focusing on the future to help clients identify and achieve personal goals. Life coaches select from...

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Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching is a subset of the coaching an executive will receive. Its focus is on how to be mindful and inspirational with impac...

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Coach Mentor Supervision

The world of Coaching / Mentoring has recognized that ongoing supervision as a coach/mentor is an essential part of your practice to support and ed...

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Team Coaching

A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they ...

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Group Coaching

is a facilitated group process led by a skilled professional coach and created to maximize the combined energy, experience, and wisdom of...

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Psychological Safety



What is Psychological Safety...