Personal Coaching

Personal coaching is the practice of focusing on the future to help clients identify and achieve personal goals. Life coaches select from among the many ways to help customers develop and achieve their goals. The coaches are not therapists nor consultants; psychological intervention and business analysis are beyond their duties' scope.

A personal coach can help individuals in different areas of their life. But because each human being is different, so will their goals. a personal coach who coaches clients in personal and professional arenas. This means career, personal development, relationships, nutrition, divorce, grief, and even financial wellness.

What does a personal coach do? 

It’s important to understand the role a personal coach plays. And a lot of the time, that comes down to personalized goals. Mashar’s coaches work with members to create personal and professional development goals. Here are examples of what a coach can do: 

  • Improve productivity and focus 

  • Improve overall work performance 

  • Improve time management, stress management, prioritization 

  • Improve self-confidence, self-compassion, and self-esteem 

  • Improve collaboration and teamwork skills 

  • Improve communication skills 

  • Better balance or harmony of work and personal life 

  • Better balance of physical health and emotional health 

  • Better mental clarity, improved mental fitness 

  • Better engagement 

  • Better leadership and management skills 

  • Improve decision-making skills 

  • Managing burnout 

  • Improve resiliency and grit 

  • Help people find their purpose, meaning, and passions in life 

  • Manage stress and build healthy habits for stress management 

  • Inclusive leadership, especially around fostering belonging in the workplace

  • Navigating grief and coping with grief  

    • Improve presentation skills

    • Navigating change, uncertainty, and the unknown 


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